

Discussion forum for Pharma Quality events, Regulatory Actions

Warning letters, 483s, Recalls, Import Alerts, Audit observations

Aarti Drugs API facility in Tarapur, India was inspected by USFDA investigators Rajeev R. Srivastava and Suzanne N. Vallez in September 2024. The audit resulted in issuance of USFDA form 483 identifying lapses in investigation of deviations, validation of test methods, cleaning validation, internal audit process, lapses of Quality unit in ensuring quality processes and missing information in data provided to FDA investigators.

A Deep Dive into the USFDA 483 observations.

The USFDA 483 brings up some unique challenges and dilemmas often faced by generic pharmaceutical manufacturers. In this post Qvents debates these issues as they would serve as a useful reference point for companies to identify and address potential vulnerabilities in their Quality Management Systems (QMS).

USFDA Investigator Rajiv Srivastava – What Are Top Observations

Quality Control, Analytical Control, Method Validations, Hold time studies, Analytical Instruments and Computer system controls, Chromatographic Integration practices, Handling of unknown peaks Handling of Out of Specifications and Out of Trends, Reprocess and Rework batches and release to local markets, Certification of standards, CAPA Implementation, ….Read all and more

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