The guidelines page guides you to important GMP and Regulatory guidelines; provides links to published final and draft guidelines, discussion papers. The page also provides links to guidance and papers by expert bodies and technology platforms like ISPE, PICS, APIC, USP.
Most relevant guidelines and papers are collated subject wise to help users quickly navigate saving trouble of sifting through hundreds of links a typical search throws up
IPEC Americas (International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Europe) –Document Depot (For several resources on Excipients (Standards, Test Methods, Discussion papers).
EuropeQuality Defects and Recall (EMA): Reporting of Product quality defect, including a suspected defect, of a centrally authorised medicine which could result in a recall or abnormal restriction on supply to the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
USFDA 21CFR Part 7 Subpart C Recalls (Including Product Corrections) – Guidance on Policy, Procedures, and Industry Responsibilities (21 CFR 7.40 – 7.59).
EuropeQuality Defects and Recall (EMA): Reporting of Product quality defect, including a suspected defect, of a centrally authorised medicine which could result in a recall or abnormal restriction on supply to European Medicines Agency (EMA)
USP General chapters: General Tests & Assays – General requirements for tests and assays (Access from USP)
Chapter 1: Injections and Implanted Drug Products (Parenterals)—Product Quality Tests
Chapter 2: Oral Drug Products—Product Quality Tests
Chapter 3: Topical and Transdermal Drug Products—Product Quality Tests
Chapter 4: Mucosal Drug Products—Product Quality Tests
Chapter 5: Inhalation and Nasal Drug Products—General Information and Product Quality Tests
USP<1111> Microbiological Attributes of Nonsterile Pharmaceutical products & USP <1111>: Microbiological examination of Nonsterile products: Acceptance criteria for Pharmaceutical preparations Substances for Pharmaceutical use (Access from USP)
The Value of Pharmacopeial Reference Standards (Christian Zeine, Doug Podolsky, Jane Weitzel, Ravi Reddy, Steven L. Walfish, Pharmaceutical Technology-02-02-2021, Volume 45, Issue 2) – Useful Reference paper
Product Sterility Testing . . . To Test or Not to Test? That Is the Question (Elaine Daniell; Trabue Bryans; Kimbrell Darnell; Joyce Hansen; Victoria M. Hitchins; Manuel Saavedra; Biomed Instrum Technol (2016) 50 (s3): 35–43)
ICH Q1C Stability testing: Requirements for new dosage forms (Annex to the ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline on Stability Testing for New Drugs and Products)