Nectar Lifesciences was issued an Untitled letter (UL) by USFDA in Sep 23 citing deficiencies in sterile processes, sterile facility and facility monitoring. The untitled letter follows deficiencies observed during an FDA inspection at Nectar Baddi (india) facility during March 2023.
Deficiencies cited in the UL are:
Firm is asked to provide independent assessment of all contamination hazards with respect to aseptic processes, program for monitoring DP, Temperature and Humidity, retrospective impact assessment and remediation plans.
Untitled Letters and Warning Letters are Advisory actions taken by FDA to achieve voluntary compliance when there are violations of cGMPs and the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Warning Letters are issued only for violations of regulatory significance and may lead to other enforcement action, such as an injunction, recall, seizure, administrative detention, civil money penalties and/or prosecution to achieve correction, if not promptly and adequately corrected. Untitled letters are used for violations that may not meet the threshold of regulatory significance for a warning letter and request correction of the violations. Untitled letter does not include a statement of warning of enforcement action; however FDA is under no legal obligation to warn firms before taking enforcement action.
Also Refer USFDA Regulatory Procedures Manual Chapter 4: ADVISORY ACTIONS
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