

Discussion forum for Pharma Quality events, Regulatory Actions

Warning letters, 483s, Recalls, Import Alerts, Audit observations

FDA Issues Warning letter to Chinese API

FDA issued Warning letter to two Chinese API manufacturers following for cGMP violations including failing

Oral Phenylephrine Not Effective: FDA Pr

USFDA is proposing to remove oral phenylephrine as an active ingredient in over-the-counter (OTC) drug

New FDA Guidance: Review of DMFs in Adva

The USFDA has published a new guidance titled “Review of Drug Master Files in Advance

FDA issues Guidance on Facility Readines

The guidance provides information on how FDA decides goal dates for a drug application (ANDA,

FDA issues draft guidance for Dietary In

The USFDA released draft guidance on New Dietary Ingredient Notification (NDIN) Master Files for dietary

FDA announces OTC Drug Facilities fee fo

FDA has announced the over-the-counter (OTC) monograph drug facility (MDF) fee rates under the OTC

Eugia US LLC Recall one more Drug in US

Eugia US LLC is recalling one lot of Methocarbamol Injection in US for white particles

USFDA flags made in China plastic syring

USFDA has updated Safety Communication on Chinese made plastic syringes. FDA had issued a Safety

USFDA and EMA Parallel Scientific Advice

Prospective applicants of Complex Generics (CG) can request for a joint meeting with FDA OGD

FDA launches new Search page for Quality

USFDA has launched a new search page for Quality documents. The page provides useful links